Solastalgia zine as a place for artists, activists and writers to express their feelings of eco-grief towards climate breakdown. It is a collection of artists’ works that highlight environmental issues or celebrate the natural world. Solastalgia describes emotional distress caused by climate change, similar to eco-anxiety. Albrecht suggests that feeling solastalgic is comparable to feeling nostalgic, a kind of homesickness, however, solastalgia can be felt whilst in your own home. Solastalgia is feeling homesick for our collective home, planet Earth, the way we remember it in our childhoods, a world that no longer exists because of climate change.
Solastalgia is felt by many in our current climate crisis; it is imperative for us not to ignore these feelings or replace them with manic solution finding and over production. By welcoming the sadness and grief we can, in time, gain clarity and move forward to change and progress our complex human society to live harmoniously with natures ecosystems.
Launch Event
Solastalgia's ISSUE 1 launch exhibition at the Black Swan Arts, Frome. The exhibition features works shown in the first issue for a chance for readers to see the works in person and meet some of the artists.